Monday 6 June 2011

Things I learnt at the weekend

I can't remember how it came about but got talking about the word tele- at the weekend. Or is it a prefix? It's a prefix, yep, for sure. Was intrigued as to how the word teleport came about. Considering teleports don't really exist how does it have a word for it? That's not me being a pessimist. Wish they did exist. It's merely me laying out the things I know to be true in an 'out loud' manner. If i'm wrong I'd welcome a correction on it. Yep teleport. How does something that doesn't exist end up with a name and that name end up in a dictionary. Which makes me think, maybe I cam make something up and if I work really hard at getting into everything, maybe one day it'll make it into the dictionary. But yeah so teleport, television, telegraph, telegram, all these words have it but what does tele- mean? Without the aid of iPhone at 5 o'clock in the morning in an attic room somewhere on the outskirts of Leeds we managed to work a definition from the relationship of all these things to one another. We knew it must mean something to do with long distance. iPhone corroborated. It means far. iPhone is defo much faster. But getting to the bottom of tele mystery without it was a lot more fun. In turn that got me to thinking about the word television. It must just one day have popped into the dictionary. Before it's invention it just wouldn't have been there. Maybe it's just my mind but that's weird to me. Something we're so familiar with now once, not so long ago, just wasn't there. I guess it's just the reverse of words getting dropped from the dictionary and language.

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